Wednesday, January 16, 2019

6 Facial Winter Skin Care Tips You Can Use!

From your nose to your toes, winter can be a brutal time for your skin. The humidity in air the seems to all but disappear, and the cold temps and chilly winds can leave your skin cracked and dry. The skin on your face is often exposed to the elements, as it can’t be covered with a hat or gloves. If you don’t take care to hydrate, your face may feel dry and the delicate skin around your nose and lips will develop painful cuts and annoying rashes.

Fortunately with a little prevention and the right products, you can keep your skin supple and nourished until spring arrives. Keep reading for 6 tips to keep your face hydrated and your skin healthy-looking this winter.

Drink Enough Water
Even though you may not be hot and sweaty, you should drink just as much water in January as you do in July. Not great at staying hydrated? Treat yourself to a fun new water bottle and take it with you everywhere you go. This won’t cure your dry skin entirely, but it’s essential for your overall health.

Eat a Balanced Diet
Believe it or not, the way you eat shows up on your face. Healthy fats in your diet can ensure that lipids surrounding your skin cells are nourished, leaving your face looking bright and supple. Boost your diet with omega-rich foods by incorporating foods like fish, flax, and walnuts.

Don’t Overwash
The oils in your skin can become depleted through hot water and overwashing. In fact most dermatologists recommend you only wash your face with soap at the end of the day, and simply use a bit of warm water in and a light moisturizer in the morning. However, if you’re feeling really greasy, use a very light cleanser to get the job done.

Use a Humidifier
You spend at least 8 hours of your day (at least you should) in your bedroom. This means that changing the air quality where you sleep can make a big difference for winter skin care. The heating process for your home dries out the air, so replenish that moisture by turning on a cool mist humidifier every night.

Buy the Right Moisturizer
From dry, to oily, to combination facial skin, different people have different needs when it comes to winter skin care. What works for one person may cause another to break out. It’s a good idea to consult with a esthetician or dermatologist and find out what skin care regimen is best for your face no matter the season.

Carry Lip Balm with You, Everywhere
Cold temps mean that your lips suffer in the winter. However, you can prevent painful cracks and chapped lips by keeping a quality lip balm on hand (like from Naked Bee!) Stash one in your purse, one in your desk, and one on your nightstand and you won’t be caught without it.

Stock Up On These Natural Moisturizers!
Winter skin care requires a quality moisturizer. Check out face cream from the Mad Hippie. This product contains natural antioxidants and active essential oils to minimize wrinkles and eliminate dry skin.

Looking for deep hydration? Then you need deep repair cream from MyChelle Dermaceuticals. Drawing on the goodness of rosehip kombucha, and black currant oil, this non-GMO moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated while eliminating wrinkle and age lines.

You can also use natural DIY soap that you make at home! Essential oils and gentle ingredients like shea butter will help hydrate your skin, even during the winter.

How do you care for your face in the dry, winter months? Share your secrets of winter skin care with us in the comments section below.


Photo by David Cohen on Unsplash

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