Friday, July 6, 2018

Natural Ways to Support Healthy Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and believe it or not, most adults have roughly 8 lbs of skin stretched across their outer layer. Your skin is your first and most important line of defense against cancer, disease, and infection. This means that supporting healthy skin should top your list of important beauty and self-care items. The best way to support your skin’s health is by regularly using natural lotions and SPF products to keep it hydrated and free from sun damage. Additionally, mind what you put in your body as your skin will reflect the water and nutrients you consume.

Keep reading for 6 natural ways to support healthy skin and by doing so protect your entire body from whatever the world throws at you.

Keep It Clean
It’s hard to overstress the importance of washing your face every night. As you move throughout your day, your face comes in contact with dirt, germs, and pollutants – many of which contain damaging free radicals. By washing your face you rinse away the sweat and grime of the day, giving the delicate skin on your face an opportunity to repair itself as you sleep. Additionally, washing your pillow cases regularly can help keep your skin clean and minimize facial breakouts.

Use All Natural Moisturizers
Know what you’re putting on your face and keep it natural. Many skin creams and lotions, even pricey ones, contain parabens and other harmful chemicals that may irritate your skin and cause breakouts. While hydration is essential to healthy skin, you want to get it without harmful additives and unwanted ingredients. Brands like Naked Bee believe that fabulous skin care should contain “all of the good stuff and none of the bad stuff.”

Prioritize Chemical-Free Sunscreens
Any time you plan to spend extended time outdoors, you should apply a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from cancer causing sun damage and free radicals. In fact, in the warm summer months, start your day with a natural, all-over body lotion and tinted facial moisturizer that contain SPF.

Nourish Your Skin From Within
Drinking enough water and eating daily doses of a rainbow of fruits and veggies is one of the best ways to care for your skin. The nutrients in fresh produce can be used to brighten and nourish your skin, while adequate hydration can keep your skin supple and healthy.

Understand Your Skin Type
The best skin care in the world is a natural produce that you understand and that matches your unique needs. Do you have oily skin around your nose? Do you hands get chapped in the winter? Understanding your skin and how to care for it is one of the most important steps you can take to support healthy skin.

Make Time for SkinCare
Do you rush out of the shower or jump into bed without making time to apply natural lotion or wash your face? Over time, this in attention to skin care can lead to easily avoidable wrinkles and damage. The more work you put into your skin care, the more beautiful and better equipped your outer layer is to protect you from the grime and sun damage of your everyday life.

What are your favorite natural ways to support healthy skin? Share them with us in the comments section below.


Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

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