Thursday, July 19, 2018

6 DIY Flower Pot Decorations

You know what’s almost as fun as planting a garden and watching it grow? Making a DIY flower pot, and watching beautiful things grow out of it! It’s actually quite simple, nearly anything can be made into a DIY flower pot… even shoes! Read ahead for some cool ideas to decorate your home or use as a memorable gift for someone special in your life.

The Hanging Colander
This hanging DIY flower pot gives you the perfect excuse to hit the kitchen section at your local thrift store. Extra points if you can find a colored colander, if not, just paint it yourself! Line the colander with coffee filters (or you can use burlap) to keep the soil in, while still allowing it to drain. Next, add a little soil and your flowers. Hang it with a small chain, or opt for twine if you prefer to tie it up instead.

Is that a Flower in Your Boot?
This is the cutest way to give some old boots, new life. It’s even cuter if you incorporate a different size boot from everyone in the family (mom, dad, sister, brother). After you’ve chosen your boots, just remove the inserts and drill drainage holes in the bottom of each, using a large drill bit. Fill the boots about halfway with potting soil and add your plants. Fill in the gaps with more soil, and voila, a super cute DIY flower pot (boot)!

Chalk About a Cool Planter!
What did crafters ever do before chalk paint was invented? It is a literal dream come true for DIY projects. Make a cute gift for your child’s teacher or a leave a special message for your sweetie when they get home. Just hit the dollar store (or the thrift store) and load up on plain ole flower pots and turn them into your own masterpiece. Chalk paint can be found at just about any hardware or craft store.

Pour Me Some Flowers
An old pitcher makes the perfect home for an eager plant. Simply drill drainage holes in the bottom, line it with some small rocks and fill it halfway with potting soil. Add your plant and fill in the gaps with more soil. If you want to keep your pitcher planter inside, use a saucer underneath to catch any excess water.

Got Shells?
What do you do with all those seashells the kids collected at the beach this summer? Duh, you make a super cute DIY flower pot out of them! This adorable seashell planter will take a little longer than some of the others, but will always provide great memories of your summer vacation. Just use a plain terra cotta pot, and glue the shells to the side using a hot glue gun. Line them in a pattern, or just get crazy with your design. Hey, it’s your pot – you do you!

Never Tired of Flowers
Have you ever looked at an old tire and thought, I bet there is something I could do with this? There is, you can make a really cool planter out of it! You can leave it black, but it’s way cooler if you paint it (spray paint plus primer). Start by making your drainage holes (at least six) using a heavy duty drill. Line the bottom of the tire with fabric weed barrier and maybe some small rocks or packing peanuts to keep the soil from caking. Fill with potting soil and plant away! The tire can be hung on a wall or on a shepherd's hook in your garden.

Do you have a great DIY flower pot idea? Share it with us in the comments below!


Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

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