Monday, June 29, 2020

How to Keep Dogs Out of Vegetable Garden

We all love our dogs, but they always find a way to ruin our vegetable gardens. We all love our vegetable gardens too. We can't give up either, meaning that a compromise has to be reached. Are you looking for solutions on how to keep dogs out of the vegetable garden? We have created some tips that can help below.

5 Solutions of How to Keep Dogs Out of Vegetable Garden

They are not a fan of spicy things.
If you are looking for a home to keep dogs out of the vegetable garden, you should consider mixing powdered mustard with crushed dried peppers and spraying it in your garden.
Put it in your garden, and voila, dogs won't disturb it. It is great for those places that are dry. For wet places, it may not work well.
They don't like bitter things.  
If you are looking for how to keep dogs out of vegetable gardens, you should consider mixing coffee with oranges. This can work in places with excess rain. Put bitter orange on used coffee grinds. It won't dissolve, because bitter orange tends to be oil heavy when compared to mustard and pepper.
They don't like being poked.
You could set up a barrier to prevent dogs from entering your garden and causing havoc. This can also work for annoying diggers such as rat terriers and beagles. Dogs can't stand poky things. You can put spiky twigs in your gardens and in no time, the dogs will let them be.
They don't like other critters.
You can make use of animal decoys to chase off the dogs. You can go for coyotes, owls, racoons and so on. You can search online for helpful inanimate animal forms that can chase away your dogs. Before you know it, your dogs will be scared to go to your garden. Your garden will be able to breathe and live. We all know that our dogs trample on the bushes and destroy them.
They don't like showers.
Dogs are not fans of taking a shower. If you want to shower them, you will see them running away, as if you are about to harm them. If you have dogs like mine, shower time will not be easy. We have to pursue them before they agree to shower.
Since they hate showers, you can use it as an advantage to keep the dogs out of the garden.
There are other creative ways that can be used in keeping your dogs away from your garden. In some cases, you may win. In other cases, the opposite is common. Good luck either way! And happy gardening!

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