Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to Manage Outdoor Allergies When Working in Your Garden

We all want to have a perfect garden, but some of us have different allergies, which could be affected by the pollen around. Some tricks could help you in controlling the allergies you have when you are making the best landscape ever.
Ways to manage your outdoor allergies include the following:
1.              Getting the right plants. Get plants that have fragrant and bright flowers. These flowering plants are normally pollinated by insects instead of those pollinated by the wind. Their pollen is not so big and it doesn't get in the air to cause allergic symptoms.
2.              Get native plants. These are very easy to grow because they easily adapt to the environmental climate. Non-native plants have issues with the release of pollen, because they are stressed and don't easily adapt to the climate around.
3.              Female trees should be requested. A lot of the pollen comes from male trees. They are usually advertised as fruitless or seedless. For easier breathing, it is best to get a female tree. This is because they won't release pollen.
4.              Get rid of high pollen trees and plants from your garden. Get all plants and trees that have pollen far away from your doors and windows. This prevents their pollen from getting inside. Have it in mind that this would not save you from the pollen which comes from the trees of your neighbors.

How to Get Ready for your Gardening

Get medicine for your allergy medicine. Start taking the allergy medications about a week before the season of your allergy begins. For natural allergy relief, try MediNatura’s ClearLife Allergy Relief.
Go for gardening when there are low pollen counts.  Around late evenings are the best times to go gardening. This is because pollen counts are lower at this time of day.
Make sure you look at the forecast. On cloudy, damp or cool days, pollen counts are very low. On windy or dry days they are quite high.
Make sure you wear the necessary gear. Get like a shirt with long sleeves and pants, which would shield your skin from all the allergens. Get sunglasses, gloves, and googles too. A dusk mask would be extremely nice.
Don't touch your eyes and face while at the garden working.
Get someone to mow the lawn. This gets pollen into the air, which could cause your allergies. Get a family member to handle it, or pay someone to handle it for you.

Take a bath after gardening. After your done gardening, you should have mold and pollen on your clothes and body. To reduce issues, get rid of these triggers and clean up immediately after you’re done. A nice bath should do the trick.

When you’re done gardening, leave all tools outside. This way, no triggers follow you inside your home.
How do you manage your allergies when working in your garden?
Photo by Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash

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