Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What to Take Camping with your Kids

My family loves camping together and one night last week, for fun, we camped out in our own backyard. My youngest wanted to sleep in a tent and my two older kids got on board quickly. I had to plan quickly and I ended up making a list of things that are good to take along! This list won't include obvious things like sleeping bags and tents, but will focus on less obvious things that are beneficial for camping.

1. Skewers! The kids love smores and skewers are easier than finding sticks in the dark to roast marshmallows.
2. For adults, acrylic tumblers. It's nice to enjoy a beverage of choice around the fire.
3. Headlamps for everyone. Trust me, your kids will want them too. Make sure you get waterproof lights though! Headlamps make it much easier to collect firewood or read a book since both hands are free.
4. Multi-tool. Bring one! These are handy for all sorts of reasons -- there are tools specifically designed for kids as well.
5. Bring a tarp! In case it rains, a tarp can cover the top of a tent or you can set your tent up on top of it to keep it dry. Either way, always bring a tarp. Always.

What's on your must-list for camping? Let me know!

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