Thursday, August 8, 2019

Kids’ Multivitamins for Back-to-School Support

It’s back-to-school time, which means bright boxes of crayons, new shoes, thoughtfully packed lunch boxes, and germs – lots and lots of germs. You’ve spent the entire summer feeding your kids fresh fruits, lean meats, and sure some ice cream, but they’ve been healthy! Now it’s time for them to plunge back into the classroom and share dodgeballs, pencils, and germs with their classmates.

If the thought of coughs, colds, and stomach bugs has you dreading the back-to-school routine, take heart! You are not powerless in the fight for healthy kids. Keep reading for the healthy habits and multivitamin products your kids need to ward of those classroom bugs.

Wash Hands, Wash Hands, Wash Hands

One of the most effective ways to keep your child healthy in the face of classroom germs is by teaching them proper handwashing techniques. If you’re struggling to get your gets to wash their hands the right way, buy some fun soap or teach them a song to sing while they wash. Also, have your kids wash their hands as soon as they get home from school, before they dive into that afternoon snack. This can help keep those school germs off your hard surfaces.

Pack a Better Lunch

Your child’s diet is the most consistent factor that influences their immune system. Too much sugar can slow your child’s immune response and limit its ability to attack bacteria. Couple that with a starchy diet that is lacking in nutrients, and your child’s body won’t have what it needs to react to germs with a healthy immune response. Make sure your child’s lunch, meals, and after-school snacks are rich in protein, fiber, and a rainbow of nutrient-rich fruits and veggies to stack the deck in their favor.

Encourage Play & Relaxation

If your child is overscheduled and stressed out by sports, homework, and after school activities, their immune system will suffer. Research shows a strong correlation between stress and weakened immunity for all ages. Make sure your child has time to play after school, to run off stress with the creative wonder that foundational for a healthy childhood.

Kids Multivitamins to Keep Your Child Healthy

Another great way to boost your kid’s immunity as they go back-to-school is to provide them with great-tasting, kid’s multivitamins. Here are a few great options to choose from:

Children's Chewable Vitamins & Minerals by Solaray
Looking for a comprehensive multivitamin with a great taste your kids will love? Children's Chewable Vitamins & Minerals by Solaray provides broad-spectrum multivitamins and minerals in a delicious black cherry chewable.

Primadophilus Kids Cherry from Nature's Way
Probiotics can be a powerful ally in the fight to boost immunity. Primadophilus Kids Cherry from Nature's Way includes three beneficial strains of gut flora in a great-tasting chewable formulated especially for kids ages 2-12.

Organic Sambucus for Kids from Nature’s Way
Black elderberries contain naturally occurring flavonoids which have been shown to help support a healthy immune response in kids. Supplementing your child’s diet with elderberry syrup and supplements can keep them on your feet. Stock your pantry with Organic Sambucus for Kids from Nature's Way before they head back-to-school.

What are your best tips and favorite supplements to keep your kids healthy once they go back-to-school? Share them with us in the comments section below!


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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