Thursday, September 27, 2018

Teas That Help You Sleep

A restful night of sleep is one of the most essential ingredients for a happy, fulfilled, and balanced life. Every aspect of your health, both mental and physical, depends on the reset you experience each night in bed. Many adults report sleep issues that include getting to sleep, staying asleep, or struggling to reach deep sleep.

Believe it or not, the right cup of tea can make a big difference in transitioning from wakefulness to sleep. Keep reading to learn more about 4 bedtime teas that can help you meet your sleep goals and wake feeling energized with none of the hangover common with other sleep aids.

Try These 4 Teas

Chamomile Tea
In the U.S., chamomile is the go-to tea for those looking for a warm and natural sleep aid. Numerous studies have shown that drinking chamomile tea, or taking chamomile extract can improve both the amount and quality of your sleep. One of the reasons chamomile is so effective is an antioxidant known as apigenin. This compound has been shown to interact with the brain, increasing relaxation and decreasing anxiety, leading to deeper and more restful sleep all night long.

Golden Milk
Turmeric has been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years, prized for its ability to increase health and naturally heal and fortify the body. Turmeric is naturally rich in curcuminoids, which are fat-soluble compounds, rich in antioxidants. One way to increase your turmeric root intake is through a soothing health-drink called golden milk. Golden milk tea typically contains ground turmeric, fat to assist in absorption, and black pepper to help activate the turmeric. A bit of honey is also a great addition, as it gives the drink a calming sweetness. For an easy way to try golden milk in your home, check out this easy to follow recipe.

Lavender Tea
The scent of lavender is well known across the globe as a soothing and calming aroma. Lavender tea is an easy way to infuse your bedtime routine with more of this natural herb. Research shows that this flower not only reduces anxiety, but can improve digestion as well. You don’t need to go far to brew yourself a mug of lavender tea, simply steep 4 tsp of fresh lavender, or 2 tsp of dried lavender, in 8 oz of water for 10 minutes and sip with a bit of honey.

Valerian Root Tea
In Europe, valerian root tea is more popular than chamomile tea and is widely regarded as the go-to, natural sleep aid. It is also commonly taken as a supplement in capsule form, but the tea may be more effective at bedtime and comes with a side of hydration. One of the compounds in valerian root that makes it so effective is GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA has been well-researched and proven to be effective in reducing anxiety and helping you achieve deep restful sleep.

Tips for Steeping Herbal Teas

Herbal teas require a longer steeping time that black and green teas. They are most effective when steeped covered with a saucer for at least 10 minutes to allow the tea to reach full potency. For best results, brew teas made from only organic ingredients to avoid a side of chemicals or harsh compounds that could have a negative interaction on your overall health.

What are your favorite bedtime teas? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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